
Hi there!

My name is Natasha Canavarro and I am from Media, Pennsylvania, just south of Philadelphia. I am a nontraditional student, meaning that it has taken me a little longer to find where I fit into this world of art and design.

I originally started my college career at Moore in 2013 as a Fashion Design major. In the middle of my junior year, I realized that I was not 100% in love with the fashion industry and decided it would be best to take time off from school. During that time, I was fortunate enough to purchase a home and do a full-gut renovation. This was my first experience of any kind of home design, and it was exhilarating! I loved every moment- from sketching ideas, sourcing materials and furniture, to being part of the construction- so much so, that I decided to test the waters, get my certification as an interior decorator, and begin taking on clients. After a few months, I realized that Interior Design was exactly where I was supposed to be and I came back to Moore to further my education and certification. I am motivated to be the best interior designer I can possibly be.

When I’m not designing, you can find me cuddling with my pups, playing tennis, testing my hand at a new craft or having good conversation with friends over a glass of wine & a cheese board.

I’m thrilled to be pursuing internship opportunities in the field of interior design. I look forward to connecting with you!  


Let’s chat.

Based in Philadelphia, PA